Mary Magdalene Womb Oracle
Mary Magdalene Womb Oracle
This is a creative project made in collaboration with several artists (for make-up and the jewel on the back of the cards) and visual artist Margarida Paiva (for photo shooting and editing of images).
This deck of 52 cards and a 120 pages of explanatory manual introduce to you the archetypes and all the other concepts around the Womb of Mary Magdalene, in an original interpretation. The women who participated in the project accepted to be painted and tattooed with symbols and colours that belong to the spiritual imagery of the Sacred Feminine world.
The images and symbols used together with the description of each card are meant to offer original contents around the women’s life and the archetypes we have inside our psyche, body and mind. Each woman can thus explore by herself or as part of a Women circle or Red Tent, the sacredness of her Body Temple and the connection with inner and outer Nature.

This deck can be further used for creating own Medicine Wheel, for healing the Womb and also as a coaching tool.
The deck is already available for purchase in Romania (Iasi) or Norway (Oslo).