- Healing with ancestral mother lineage
- From Heart to Hara – a healing journey
- Water my Blood, Fire my Spirit
- Healing with ancestral mother lineage
- From Heart to Hara – a healing journey
- Water my Blood, Fire my Spirit

Healing with ancestral mother lineage
An online or residential retreat, in which both women and men are invited to dive into their female ancestral lineage for searching, understanding and healing of negative patterns governing their life.

From Heart to Hara – a healing journey

Water my Blood, Fire my Spirit
A residential or online retreat for women desiring to work with Water and Fire elements at a physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual level.
Healing with ancestral mother lineage
An online or residential retreat, in which both women and men are invited to dive into their female ancestral lineage for searching, understanding and healing of negative patterns governing their life.
“Healing with Mother Ancestral lineage” is a 2 to 4 day retreat to be organized online or in different countries (Romania, Italy, Norway, Portugal). Minimum number of participants are 5 and maximum are 15.
Gathering in sacred space, in a Circle, we will connect to the inner wisdom that our bodies keep inside and to outer nature for her gifts and support. With the love of our hearts we will thread a new path for more fulfillment, health and abundance.
Shamanic meditations;
Drum journeys;
Breathing and grounding exercises;
Rituals and ceremony;
Systemic constellations;
Art & trauma therapy.

Two scholarships discounted 10% from the total amount are offered to single parents or people with special economical situations.
Bank transfer of 30% from the total amount after the registration is required to book your place.
Once you have booked your place, you will receive a welcoming letter and Consent form with further instructions about the preparatory phase for the retreat.
Click to discover when the next retreat is available
From Heart to Hara – a healing journey
A residential or online retreat for women who wish to open the door into a journey of reconnection and healing of their sacred channel – the Womb-Heart Grail container.
This retreat is dedicated to all Women who contributed to the Awakening of the Womb power and to all women before and after us. The Hara (Womb) is where our Power and Ancestral Wisdom reside. Only when the Womb is united with the Heart’s wish, magic can happen and many blessings come into our Life, fulfilling our deepest desires.
Since ancient times, women all over the world have learned to practice Womb Rituals to better connect with their Inner Self and Nature and for living an abundant Life. Each woman has in her body a Temple where she can practice consciously daily Rituals to cherish and honor her Sacredness and all her beautiful Essence, into a magical journey of self-love and self-knowledge.
Each day will propose a specific topic and overall intention to work with, combining many tools and exercises from shamanism, womb ritual practices, constellation and art therapy work, embodiment, cleansing techniques/baths etc.
The retreat is open to a group of minimum 5 up to 12 participants. The duration can vary from 2 days (if online) to 3-4 days (if in presence).
Click to discover when the next retreat is available

Water my Blood, Fire my Spirit
A residential or online retreat for women desiring to work with Water and Fire elements at a physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual level.
This is a women retreat of 3 days (weekend time) dedicated to the two elements that each woman embodies as Womb and Heart energies.
The main focus is on the opening and activation of the channel between Womb and Heart through different practices inspired from ancient and modern healing and shamanic techniques: womb rituals and ceremonies, shamanic journeys, family constellation and art therapy, divination and channeling, embodiment and sacred expression of our connection with elements.
Special transmissions with Goddesses representing the two elements will harmonize the energies and bring them in balance. The invitation is to dive into Water and Fire energies and to balance them so you can move forward on our life path with more motivation, drive, power, creativity and enthusiasm.
The group is open to a minimum of 6 participants and a maximum of 20.
A special discount of 10% on the overall amount is offered to women in special situations (unemployed, single parent or other). Payment of 30% from the total amount after the registration is required to book your place.
Prior the start of the gathering you will receive a Welcome letter with further information, the program and also a Consent form that needs to be signed before you arrive.